MSI B450M-A PRO MAX AMD AM4 Motherboard
The MSI B450M PRO-M2 motherboard is a solid choice for building a system based on AMD Ryzen processors for AM4 socket. It is every factor rather than just one or two which are improved. Exclusive Core Boost technology allows for easy CPU overclocking while DDR4 Boost technology ensures stable memory performance. Enjoy ultra-fast storage speed by installing PCI-E SSD using the M.2 slot. Both data transfer and charging via USB will be accelerated for less wait time. The PCI-E steel slots are ready for long, heavy graphics card. The purest audio will be reproduced to let you aim your enemies precisely. Every MSI motherboards are certified by strict mechanic that feature convenient pin-header keep out zone, friendly SATA & USB location for compatibility with the widest range of components and devices, so DIY user can pick and choose the components they want. More than that, we offer a dedicated Qualified Vendor List (QVL) for the most critical part - memory. Combining with MSI DDR4 Boost technology, we provide the maximum compatibility even over clocking, so you confirm and choose any gaming rig as you want. Cooling your PC is essential for reliable performance. MSI motherboards feature excellent power design with solid and heavy heat sink. We've made sure to include enough fan headers with full control to allow you to cool your system any way you want. MSI motherboards let you manage speeds and temperatures for all your system and CPU fans. Total Fan Control allows you check your primary system characteristics in a simplified graphical interface. You can also set up to 4 temperature targets for CPU and motherboard, which will adjust the fan speeds automatically. PRO Series motherboards combine stable functionality and high quality assembly for clever business solutions. Designed to satisfy any professional workflow, PRO Series motherboards make life easier for businesses and office use.